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 Greetings The new guild bank

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Greetings The new guild bank Empty
PostSubject: Greetings The new guild bank   Greetings The new guild bank Icon_minitimeSat 21 Nov - 7:51

Ok.... as we all know(or atleast most of us) Cabal had deemed that we should have a guild bank...quite frankly i think its far too small.
But i will issue my complaints with Cabal Managment later. In the mean time we need a way for us to keep track of thing we put in there. Where it goes who it is loaned out to and on and on. So those who put items into the Bank already really need to post what it is and what exactly it is for.
I hope things go well for you all with this system.... although i still believe the bank size is far to limited.

Well that is all for now and i am done prattling on and on. Have fun and keep it clean folks.

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Greetings The new guild bank Empty
PostSubject: Re: Greetings The new guild bank   Greetings The new guild bank Icon_minitimeSat 21 Nov - 23:21

well... if that is what we need to do...

3 bottles of magic master pots (10% m.amp). it's for whoever wants to use it.
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